Tuesday, May 29, 2007


1. MAIN IDEAS; the main idea is the central' or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage. it may also be described as the controlling idea and, as such it sets the directionof the paragraph or article.

2. SUPPORTING DETAILS; supporting details are facts and secondary ideas that an authors use to develop and support the main idea.

* supporting detail include definitions, exampleas, reasons, facts, and evidence to support conclusions.

* questions about details may begin with words such as who, what,when,where, and why, or how.

3. CONTEXT CLUES; the context includes the sentence, paragraph, or passage that surround a word and make it meaningful.

4.AUTHOR'S PURPOSE; an author's purpose is his reason or intent in writing.

5.AUTHOR'S OVERALL ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN; authors try to present their ideas in some clearly organized way. they do this by arranging thae supporting details in some common pattern.

6.FACT AND OPINION; a fact is a statement that can be validated or proven to be true or false by using measurements, historical or scientific documents, or even personal observation. by this definition, a fact is not always accurate or correct.
* an opinion is a statement that expresses an author's beliefs, judgements, and values.it expresses a point of view and cannot be prove.

7.BIAS; bias is predisposition, prejudice, or prejudgement; bias may be in favor of against something or someone.

8.TONE; an author's tone is the attitude or feeling he creates in writing about his subject; the reader can recognize a mood or feeling in written material in the same way as he would recognize a mood or feeling from a speaker's tone of voice.

9.EXPLICIT/IMPLICIT RELATIONSHIPS WITH SENTENCES; the relationship within the sentence is explicit (stated) transition words and phrases will be used.

10.RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SENTENCES; paragraph and passage comprehension is improved by recognizing how one sentence relates to another sentence; such relationships may be explicit (stated) or implicit (unstated)

11. VALID ARGUMENTS; a valid argument is a statemaent that fits into a logical patter of reasoning and/or which makes use of relevant, verifiable proof to support a particular conclusion.

12. INFERENCES AND CONCLUSIONS; an inference is what a reader thinks the writer is suggesting through the words or ideas presented.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Samantha was a girl who dreamed of a better life. but it seemed those dreams would never come true her days were spent doing chores from down until dusk one night, Samantha was visited by her fairy godmother. with a wave of her magic the fairy godmother turned a dog into a hummer limo, a cat into her driver for the night. Samantha rags became a very nice baby-phat outfit. finally Samantha would be able to go the concert of Alicia Keys during the concert this boy named Michael saw Samantha and he immediately, he asked to dance the two fell deeper and deeper in love with every step. but Samantha fairy godmother had warned her to be home before 4 o'clock that was when the magic would disappear; as Samantha ran from the concert, she lost one of her baby-phat sandals. every young woman in the house tried on the sandal but Samantha whose foot fit the sandal perfectly. Michael asked her to marry him, and Samantha became his wife at last and they live their life happy forever.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


My name is Mary jean-Jacques i was born in august 15, 1987 in Caracas, Venezuela. My parent are Marie Marc and jean edwidge jean-Jacques. three year after my brother was born his name is Eduardo jean-Jacques he was born in august 17, 1990. My elementary year was kind of hard for me because, i was a very shine little girl. but my teacher name Virginia Gonzales was a very nice person she taught me a lot of good things that made me not be scared the others kids. i remember i was one of the student with good attendance and good behaviour in my class. In Thomas Jefferson middle school it was exciting for me because,there was several programs for student interesting to help the community. I participated on two of them they were aspira and YMCA, in the my last year we had a banquet for all the 9Th grade. Also i received a award for attendance and good behaviour in all my classes that made me feel so proud of myself. In high school at north Miami senior high was the most exciting for me because, it was time party after all these year of studies like prom, homecoming, grad-nite and many more. In my last year i participated in aspira and i had my first job as a cashier. I went to prom, grad-nite.senior picnic and the most important one the graduation ceremony i had a lot of friends at that time we sometime together we went to movies parties and we even went together to our senior activities. The reason why I'm in college is because, my parent always said "everyone that want to have a better education or a better life should go to college". want i have a better life so i decided to go to college my major is health information/management here at Miami dade college are the first step for me to reach my goal. College will prepare me to have good skills i will need in today's health care industry. this program will provide me with the education necessary to succeed in the health service environment and employment and promotion potential as well. This is the reason why I'm here.