Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Samantha was a girl who dreamed of a better life. but it seemed those dreams would never come true her days were spent doing chores from down until dusk one night, Samantha was visited by her fairy godmother. with a wave of her magic the fairy godmother turned a dog into a hummer limo, a cat into her driver for the night. Samantha rags became a very nice baby-phat outfit. finally Samantha would be able to go the concert of Alicia Keys during the concert this boy named Michael saw Samantha and he immediately, he asked to dance the two fell deeper and deeper in love with every step. but Samantha fairy godmother had warned her to be home before 4 o'clock that was when the magic would disappear; as Samantha ran from the concert, she lost one of her baby-phat sandals. every young woman in the house tried on the sandal but Samantha whose foot fit the sandal perfectly. Michael asked her to marry him, and Samantha became his wife at last and they live their life happy forever.

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